Explore Eastern Montana
Explore Eastern Montana
A whole new side of adventure
The best places are often ones you never knew about. In Eastern Montana, outdoor recreation, natural wonders and scenic drives are as endless as the starry night skies. From charming towns with fine eats to rugged badlands and sacred battlefields, adventure awaits.

Trip Ideas
Immerse yourself in Native American culture and history, hike through the badlands, visit charming towns and stay for a taste of the local fare. Experience the beauty of rolling hills and endless sky. These trip ideas are just the beginning.

Experience the Darkest Skies
Spend a night under the stars and feel like you’re at the center of the universe. Eastern Montana is home to some of the darkest skies in the country. Widen your eyes or grab a telescope, and see the stars like you’ve never seen them before.

Eastern Montana: A Whole New Side of Adventure
Montana is one of those places with boundless outdoor adventure cred. Those who venture eastward—into rugged badlands, meandering rivers, secluded mountain ranges, and vast prairie—will be rewarded with an unexpected and wholly different kind of Montana experience. The opportunities to fish, hunt, hike, ride, eat, and learn are practically endless. Not sure where to start? Follow one (or all!) of these road trip routes to discover a new side of adventure in Eastern Montana.

Hunting on the Plains
When it comes to hunting, Eastern Montana is full of possibilities. Find an outfitter to guide your hunting adventure, from big game and waterfowl to upland birds and more.